Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Cold December Morning

Good morning world. It is a whapping 42 degrees and the weathermen are slightly predicting some snow flurries over the next two days. Its so unreal! This year seems so different.

Yesterday was a different kind of day. My day started with me paying bills and in the bill stack was an ATT bill. I recently switched from their cell service to another because their customer service is horrible and they do not respect their own policy. I have cut off my service but I got a bill for so many minutes used this month. It has been turned off since September. The lady and I had several rounds about this with her saying she just didn't understand why I am leaving ATT when she is YELLING at me. It was ridiculous!
I then had some business to take care of with my broker who ended up counseling a very upset version of me for over an hour. I just love her! She is a sweet Christian woman who truly has a heart of gold! She has been a blessing to me in so many ways!
I then had errands to run. The places I went were soooo unusually busy. After leaving Walmart some random woman called me five times on five different phone numbers saying this was her husband's phone number and why I was on it. Insane! When I was unloading the groceries in my car I notice a brown and white chihuahua dog. He (or she) was just wondering the sidewalk. Well the pretty dog wondered into my house! Then the dog took one look at me and ran out the door and down the sidewalk! I'm not sure how to take that haha! Like I said it was an interesting kind of day.

I am still praying and anticipating God to move and provide me with a new job. I am trusting Him to provide. I thank Him for the time of growth this has been.

On the agenda today:
Give Mr. Freddie a hair cut
Finish decorating for Christmas
Clean the house
Continue on the hunt

Have a great and blessed day......

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I'm sorry to hear about your problems with AT&T. In light of your situation, I thought I'd mention a strategy for seriously cutting cell bills. We tend to think of wireless costs as fixed, but you can tinker with your plan to optimize its features to best suit your usage and often generate significant savings in the process. I know this firsthand because I work in the consumer advocacy division of the Houston-based company Validas, where we electronically audit and subsequently reduce the average cell bill by 22 percent through our website, http://www.fixmycellbill.com (and I'll add that 22 percent equates to over $450 per year for the average user).

    You can find out for free if fixmycellbill.com can modify your plan to better suit your individual needs by going to the website. Check out Validas in the media, most recently on Fox News at http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/dpp/consumer/conlaw/lower_cell_phone_bills_072409 .

    Good luck on retaking control over your wireless expenses.

    Consumer Advocacy, Fixmycellbill.com
