Saturday, December 5, 2009

25 More Random Facts (It was supposed to be 50 so I split it up)

1. I am obsessed with candle holders.
2. I love a cold house when I go to sleep.
3. My dogs are my children.
4. My favorite verse and I guess saying is 1 Corinthians 13 13 (hence the name of the blog).
5. I am a huge hypocondriac (Remember the girl on My Girl? Well that is me minus the dr trips).
6. I have recently discovered I love black swirls. You look around my livingroom and thats all you see are black swirls lol.
7. I can never ever ever live without a dishwasher again!
8. I have my mothers piano. I want to learn to play but do not. She had a list of things she wanted to teach me before she died and that is the last thing on the list.
9. I never answer the door unless you call or text me.
10. I do not like getting small drinks. When I get a Dr. Pepper I want a Large!
11. I love getting Christmas cards (But the last few years I have moved around so much people do not send them)
12. I love getting handwritten notes in the mail.
13. I just joined a church and for the first time in a long time I feel like I am home when I go there.
14. I cannot stand when people are late! When I am late I feel so bad!
15. I hate bathing dogs!
16. I eat ketchup on scrambled eggs.
17. I only eat white meat on chicken and turkeys.
18. I strongly dislike roadwork (especially when it is in front of my house)
19. I love hot baths (I want a huge bathtub soooo badly)
20. I snore
21. I have no clue about guys (seriously no clue!)
22. I do not like to fold clothes.
23. I love pigs in the blanket!
24. I love camping (one night kind of camping)
25. I have a zebra print blanket that I absolutly love!!!!!!

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