Monday, December 21, 2009

Ramblings On A Monday

This weekend was the weekend we had Christmas at my Aunt's house. I always enjoy getting together with my family. Like with anything else right now I could not simply let go and enjoy 100% like I normally do because of having worries of what will happen in the next two weeks. I feel like I have a chain around both ankles keeping me in prison waiting for answers. I do love my family. God has blessed me. For the first time in a long time it actually felt like Christmas all weekend long. For someone who is still lacking in the enthusiasm this year, it was great! Now I feel like Christmas is done and it is a huge downer.

I am hoping and praying I hear from a job in the next two weeks. I have no clue when. If this does not work out, I am not sure where else to turn.

There are many many many things on my mind I am working around which would be easier if I had answers.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas week!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Tuesday Morning!

Well.....God is blessing and giving hope! I am doing follow ups this morning and seeing where God leads.
Last night my friend and I went driving around Rowlett to see the Christmas lights. Our original plan was to drive around for an hour then go to see Old Dogs. Well, it was time for us to go to the theatre and we both were so sad to stop seeing the lights. We decided to go to the late movie and drive around for another hour and half. We still did not cover the city. So many people had beautiful decorations and lights up! A cold front came through while we were driving around so the temps felt like Christmas. It was so windy all of the decorations were whipping around. It was soooo relaxing and theraputic! We were both yawning! We were soo relaxed! It was AMAZING! After looking at lights, we went to see the movie. It was so good! Much better than the commercials dipict.
Blessings to all on this cold sunny day!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thoughts From The Week

Thoughts from the week......or more like venting on a Friday morning.

1. Why I am I always thinking I am one step ahead, get all excited, then find out I am 12 steps behind?
2. Why can I not get principals to contact me back? I have tried calling, emailing, even went to a school. Yet I still cannot get to the principal, even with an amazing contact!
3. When are they going to get done with this road work?!?!?!? I am stuck listening to it day after day after day after day. Not to mention I had a very bad experience with them this week!
4. Why do I spend an hour cleaning my floors to have the dogs go outside and drag in clumps of black clay all in my house.
5. I am tired of people thinking I do nothing in my job search and are suprised when they hear otherwise.
6. I am in serious need of a mental vacation but cannot take one yet.
7. I hate it when you buy something but cannot find it when you get home. I have checked the reciept and its on there. I have checked the car repeatedly and its not there. Who knows!
8. Why is it this time of year I have so much static electricity? Seriously! I am scared to touch anything!
9. How does one person have so much laundry???
10. Why did they change the Texas State Drivers License? I had to call my aunt to make sure I got the right thing in the mail.

Ok...enough of the some happy thoughts from the last week!
1. I love my neighbor! Her hubby is out of town this week and she has graciously allowed me to cook dinner for her every night.
2. I made a super yummy cake (this cake came from frusteration with road workers)
3. I love how my neighbor and I spent hours playing with clothes on Wed.
4. I love how God is healing me, molding me, and making me grow right now even though it is painful.
5. I love waking up in the morning to a nice warm bed and two dogs that are cuddled up next to me!
6. I am so grateful for a now working garage door opener so I can pull my car in while they are doing roadwork! WooHoo!
7. I love love love my fireplace during this cold weather!!!!!!!!!
8. I love my fuzzy socks that keep my feet warm on the cold winter days!
8. I love how Freddie comes and tells on himself when he does something wrong! Saves me a lot of time lol.
9. I love love love my dishwasher! I do not think I can ever live without it again!
10. There are presents under my Christmas tree and I love it!!!!!
11. I am so glad God is preparing me for a job and preparing it for me even though I cannot visually see Him at work. This is where faith comes in. (Even though I am ready ready ready to move on, I know it is for the best. He has my best interest at heart and can do a better job at my life than I can even though it hurts immensely. Growing hurts.)

Wishing everyone a blessed weekend!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ramblings On A Busy Monday Morning

This past week I have been given new hope on the job front. There is a small ISD about 30 min from me that is hiring two positions in the elementary school. I feel a job is so close! On Thursday I sent out prayer requests for this job to all the people I KNOW will pray for me. Friday a sweet lady from the church called saying her daughter was a teacher in a town 20 min from the church and an aid position opened up. She said her daughter had already talked with the principal about me and he said to go to the school. Sunday she asked if I was bilingual. I am not so that throws me out of that. Also at church yesterday I heard of a couple more possibilities and made a few contacts with the ISD's. God is blessing in so many ways! I am so ready for this job! I am praying that God puts me in the place He wants me. Today I will be following up with my new found contacts, cleaning out my closets, and mopping the floors.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

25 More Random Facts (It was supposed to be 50 so I split it up)

1. I am obsessed with candle holders.
2. I love a cold house when I go to sleep.
3. My dogs are my children.
4. My favorite verse and I guess saying is 1 Corinthians 13 13 (hence the name of the blog).
5. I am a huge hypocondriac (Remember the girl on My Girl? Well that is me minus the dr trips).
6. I have recently discovered I love black swirls. You look around my livingroom and thats all you see are black swirls lol.
7. I can never ever ever live without a dishwasher again!
8. I have my mothers piano. I want to learn to play but do not. She had a list of things she wanted to teach me before she died and that is the last thing on the list.
9. I never answer the door unless you call or text me.
10. I do not like getting small drinks. When I get a Dr. Pepper I want a Large!
11. I love getting Christmas cards (But the last few years I have moved around so much people do not send them)
12. I love getting handwritten notes in the mail.
13. I just joined a church and for the first time in a long time I feel like I am home when I go there.
14. I cannot stand when people are late! When I am late I feel so bad!
15. I hate bathing dogs!
16. I eat ketchup on scrambled eggs.
17. I only eat white meat on chicken and turkeys.
18. I strongly dislike roadwork (especially when it is in front of my house)
19. I love hot baths (I want a huge bathtub soooo badly)
20. I snore
21. I have no clue about guys (seriously no clue!)
22. I do not like to fold clothes.
23. I love pigs in the blanket!
24. I love camping (one night kind of camping)
25. I have a zebra print blanket that I absolutly love!!!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

25 Random Facts About Me

1. Lately I have been liking sock monkeys.
2. I love love love Dr. Pepper!
3. I check facebook at least 50 times a day.
4. I love going to bed early.
5. I am a complete girl. I love getting my hair and nails done.
6. Cheese is my favorite food group.
7. Golden Girls is on my tv all the time!
8. I love fresh flowers.
9. My hall closet is full of candles.
10. Christmas is my favorite day of the year!
11. I am terrified of drains!
12. My bed is my favorite piece of furniture!!!!!!!!
13. I love cooking for and taking care of other people!
14. Currently red is one of my favorite colors.
15. I love bargain hunting!
16. When getting a pedicure I ALWAYS clip and file my toenails!
17. I dress my boy dog up in pink dresses sometimes (only because there are no cute boy clothes).
18. I love fires in the fireplace!
19. Cleaning out my closet is therapy.
20. I love having craft projects.
21. I love scrapbooking!
22. I love hoodies and warm fuzzy socks.
23. I am allergic to pineapple.
24. My favorite part of the holidays is seeing family I only see once a year!
25. I am blessed to have a yard that needs to be mowed but I dislike mowing!

Until another day.........

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Cold December Morning

Good morning world. It is a whapping 42 degrees and the weathermen are slightly predicting some snow flurries over the next two days. Its so unreal! This year seems so different.

Yesterday was a different kind of day. My day started with me paying bills and in the bill stack was an ATT bill. I recently switched from their cell service to another because their customer service is horrible and they do not respect their own policy. I have cut off my service but I got a bill for so many minutes used this month. It has been turned off since September. The lady and I had several rounds about this with her saying she just didn't understand why I am leaving ATT when she is YELLING at me. It was ridiculous!
I then had some business to take care of with my broker who ended up counseling a very upset version of me for over an hour. I just love her! She is a sweet Christian woman who truly has a heart of gold! She has been a blessing to me in so many ways!
I then had errands to run. The places I went were soooo unusually busy. After leaving Walmart some random woman called me five times on five different phone numbers saying this was her husband's phone number and why I was on it. Insane! When I was unloading the groceries in my car I notice a brown and white chihuahua dog. He (or she) was just wondering the sidewalk. Well the pretty dog wondered into my house! Then the dog took one look at me and ran out the door and down the sidewalk! I'm not sure how to take that haha! Like I said it was an interesting kind of day.

I am still praying and anticipating God to move and provide me with a new job. I am trusting Him to provide. I thank Him for the time of growth this has been.

On the agenda today:
Give Mr. Freddie a hair cut
Finish decorating for Christmas
Clean the house
Continue on the hunt

Have a great and blessed day......